Program for ‘Harmonic Meetings’ Concert

Here is the list of works that I will be performing on the concert: Harmonic Meetings – Chamber Music with Overtone Singing on September 5th at the University of St. Thomas in Houston.  Looking forward to making music with these outstanding musicians!

Cantus in Flore
Renaissance Man
Alas! – Richard Nunemaker, bass clarinet
Sonata armonico – Hsin-Jung Tsai, piano
Chant – Thomas Helton, double bass
Tagore Songs – Hsin-Jung Tsai, piano
Trio – Richard Nunemaker, clarinet
Three Short Lyrics – Hsin-Jung Tsai, piano
Scene and Duet from ‘Norma’ – Hsin-Jung Tsai, piano
Last Call – Thomas Helton, Richard Nunemaker, and Hsin-Jung TsaiStuart Hinds Sept 5